Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14, 2014

Hey mommy!!!
I couldnt wait to write you this letter because this has definitely been the best week of my mission!! :) I cant even begin to tell you how awesome things have been down here for me, and how awesome my new companion is. We get along CRAZY well, and we are both just so hilarious. But the best part about it all is that we are working SO HARD too. We brought 5 investigators to church this week. We found a family of 5 this last week, but only 4 of them could come, because the dad had an emergency at his job. But they are an incredible family. Their names are Marisol, Alexia, Valeria, Cristofer, and David.
We were explaining the restoration of the church to them, and we were trying to explain the attributes of God. I asked, `How are we physically?` And Valeria, (Shes 8) said `¡Guapos!`
Somos muy guapos! Haha!
I laughed so so so hard! It was absolutely adorable. Also, they are so receptive its not even funny. We talked for a little while, and Marisol has a ton of problems with her husband, so we are doing what we can to help that out. We told her that she has to search for all of the answers in the Book of Mormon, and come to the church. She is doing both right now. I felt REALLY prompted to ask her if we could give her a blessing, and she didnt even know what it was or what the preisthood is. But I explained it quickly, and we gave her one. After we ended, she was BAWLING and said she had NEVER felt this feeling before, and now she and her kids know that everything that we have been saying is true, and it is all from God. They are getting baptized the 9th of August :) Hahah what a great story right?! I love this family with all my heart!
Elder Stepan and I! SELFIE!!!
So, about the ‘Mormon Battalion’. President had a dream, or a vision, that Christ appeared to him, and told him that he needs to put all of his best missionaries in this area, because he has to split this stake into 2 different stakes, and he has no time to lose. Christ said, “You need to form a Mormon Battalion like I asked the pioneers of old to do, and you need to split this stake.” So, now I am here in the Batallón Mormón! It is pretty sweet to know that the Lord has chosen me to be here in this Battalion. What an honor! Elder Stepan and I are still not sure why exactly we are here, but we are going to show the Lord that he put us here for a reason. I've had a lot of awesome companions! I imagine I'll see them here as well!
I had another meeting with President, and I asked him for another blessing. He told me in the blessing that I have angels walking alongside me and the people will recognize that. Also, that I have been given to enjoy the rest of my mission, and it has NOT let me down! I am loving this so far! I am really content and happy right now! :)
I hope that everything has gone well for you all this last week. Well, about the presents, the Mexican people at the border already opened all the things you wrapped to make sure that they were okay to send across the border, so I saw everything already. :( But it was SO necesary! If that is how you spell that? Oh, Spanish.. Anyway, I really needed all of it.  And the scripture games were super fun so I thank you for that as well! :) I don’t feel bad that they were all unwrapped. So dont you worry about that! I loved them ALL! I love the Razor its incredible, and also all of the garments. The candy is nice, and I dont know, all of the stuff is great!! Thanks a ton for all of that mommy! :) Oh, and the squirt guns are awesome! They are really fun for my companion and I to use around the house!
The name of our district is called Centurion and we found this car. I thought it was funny!!
Well, I have also written a story book, so thank you for the package and dont worry about sending me a ton of packages, I am okay with what I am getting. Just remember that I love you and that I will do whatever I can to make sure that you are all happy up there as well! I will continue to pray about all of your happiness, and all of the blessings that you are asking for. P.S. I would LOVE to live in Austin’s ward. They are such an incredible ward. They are amazing. You would love it too, I know that. Anyway, take care and have a great week mommy! Thanks for the letters and the love and support!!  
     Love, your favorite son, Elder Shaddick :)

P.S. And baby Bron Bron went to the Cavs!?! I am THRILLED!! That makes me really happy!! Now it looks like I have to change all of my getups to Cavs stuff! :) Kyrie Irving and LeBron will be quite the duo! I cannot wait.

I got to go mommy! I love you tons and hope that you have a great week!!  Take care and know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers!!! LOVE YOU!!!
   Elder Shaddick :)

{Two of Braeden's former companion's have been writing me and I thought I would add some of what they said to me this week. They are both really great young men and awesome missionaries!! I love them both and have never even met them!!}

Oh also, cool fact, Elder Christofferson, one of the 12 Apostles, said this mission, the Chihuahua Mission is the hardest mission in the world, and that every time when he is picking missions for future missionaries and gets the feeling they should come here he thinks to himself, this one must be strong! (We are!!!) And I know, we had a multi zone meeting and I thought I was going to see Elder Shaddick but they told me he got transferred again. I didn’t know where but cool he that he is in the Mormon Battalion!! That is really cool. Love, Elder Aguilar

I have heard of the "Mormon Battalion" thing but I am not sure what it is. I believe it is Pres. Chavez putting all of the best missionaries in the mission in the same stake and having them baptize a ton. I miss Elder Shaddick but I’m glad he’s there! He’ll do amazing! Love, Elder Walker

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